It is a beautiful weekend, and we are all living in this great world enjoying everything about it with our friends and family members. The environmental issues has been a concern for a few decades now and yet still most of us don't seem to do much about it, unless of course we are forced to.
The earth is our ultimate home, it is where we currently live, and where our future children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will live. Our environment and the comfort we have is the result of our ancestors' lifestyles and the decisions they made while they lived their life. The decision we make today and our current lifestyle will have consequences that will affect the future generation. Plus,... the best part of all this is that being environmentally friendly is not only in style, but it also helps us save money and live a healthier more conscious lifestyle.
10 ways we can help the environment:
1. Recycle Glass, Newspaper and water bottles; we can start by clearing the landfills of all our wastes
2. Hang your clothes to dry; The dryer uses lots of energy, and hang drying your clothes will help save that energy, and most of your clothes would thank you for not damaging them.
3. Wash in cold or warm; heating up water uses energy, and our clothes will not only get washed the same in a lower temperature of water, but our fabrics also last longer.
5. Turn off the lights when not used, and switch your light bulbs to the compact fluorescent ones, or LED's where possible, not only they last longer, but it will also reduce pollution
6. Invest in your own coffee mug and water bottles: isn't it better to just stop purchasing what we know will be a waste soon anyways? reusing means less waste, so do your best to carry your own coffee mug and water bottles. I even often carry my own utensils when I know I'll be going to a food court. Every little bit helps.
7. While grooming, we tend to waste lots of water. Do not run the water while brushing your teeth, take shorter showers, and change your toilets to dual flush (FYI: the government will give you a rebate for it as well)
8. Take your own grocery bags to avoid plastic bags at the super market. Grocery plastic bags are not only a waste, but also create plenty of pollution while being manufactured.
9. Second hand, doesn't necessarily mean second best. So try to buy a second handed bicycle, car, appliances or anything else if possible. You are not only saving money, but helping the environment. Subsequently, if you are no longer in need of something, try to give it away to someone else and a charitable organization instead of discarding it in the garbage.
10. Stop paper bills and pay your bills online. Not only you are saving paper, but you are keeping less in side and in file cabinets. Also, having all your bills online will not only mean you have less chances of loosing them, but can also find them quicker anytime, anywhere when you need to see them.
Blog by:
Aisan Ahmadi, Principal Designer
Creative Group Interiors Inc.
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