Wednesday, 28 May 2014

10 Guidelines fo Successful Home Improvement

1. Be realistic : you watch the TV shoes, read the manuals and books on a "perfect world" scenario. We live in an imperfect world, and we must expect everything in the standard of our imperfect situations.
2. Be safe: doing the work yourself? use protective gear. Major work being done? hire professional to deal with it.
3. Invest in the best tools you can afford: I believe in the saying "you get what you pay for". So trust me, the more you are willing to invest, the better the quality gets. There is a reason something, or even someone is too cheap. High in demand products and professionals are more expensive, and if you can afford them, are well worth it.
4. Know when to stop: Most accidents in any profession happens when the worker is tired. Do not over work yourself. Rest and begin working again when your body is re-fuelled and your mind relaxed.
5. Measure twice, three times, four times even if you have to, and cut once: I cannot emphasize this enough!
6. Be prepared: you will always need extra. Buy what you need and even don't need. Thank this country for their return policy. If it wasn't used, just return it. You don't want to waste time going back and forth all the time cause you didn't buy it in the first place.
7. Plan the nest steps ahead of time: what you do now affect the rest of your renovations ahead. So start right from the beginning.
8. It's ok to ask for help: so please, please, please, ask for help when you need it. Even if it is going to cost you money. A disaster is much more expensive to clean up after.
9. Have a partner in doing the work with : a spouse, a friend or a family member. Team work is always recommended in any renovation.
10. Finish the job: if you don't complete the job, it will go on forever to finish.

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