Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Lets step out of the ordinary, and shower in the extraordinary.

It has taken my breath away.....I am speechless, my heart is beating faster and faster. I want to feel every surface, every curve, every detail and every angle. I want to take my clothes off and get right into the bathtub right away.... I am definitely in love... and no, it is not with a guy, but with the products from Sherle Wagner. :) Everything is so beautiful and detail oriented, it is so refreshing to see designs that are just different. I respect modern and clean lines, but I have been seeing too much of it lately. We are all different, we are all original and extraordinary in our own way. We try to express ourselves with the way we dress and look, so why not express ourselves through our living spaces? why not make our home as extraordinary as we are? why not fall in love again, especially with our bathrooms! Ever notice that when you go to a restaurant, aside from the food and interior decor, the bathroom design just catches your eye? and did you know, an average person spends 243 hours per year minimum in the bathroom; for showering, bathing and cleaning.  A well designed bathroom keeps the main users happy as well as leaving a great impression on the guests. It is one of the most important spaces anywhere, and it should be designed with all the details in mind. We have to understand that utilitarian does not have to be mundane.

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